Sunday, May 10, 2020

Small Business Saturday Join The Movement

Small Business Saturday Join The Movement The movement I am referring to is the MOXIE movement! In Social Networking for Business Success: Turn Your Ideas Into Income, Miriam and I coined this term to refer to people engaged in side hustles.  We wanted to put a more positive spin on this important new workforce model.  MOXIE stands for: Managing Other (secondary) X-tra Income Engagements Why Have More Than One Job? Income security, thats why! Who knows when youll become a victim of a downsizing or layoff? And how horrible is it to feel like you are at the mercy of your employers decisions. Financial security means diversifying your work portfolio. (Yep, Ive written about this before, here, here, and here because I believe in this career insurance policy concept so strongly.) And lay-offs arent the only reason to diversify your career portfolio. Permanent jobs may not be coming back at the same rate. In fact, Harvard Business Review reports that todays 17 million independent contractors is expected to rise to 23 million by 2017. When you are engaged in freelance work, it disrupts the old fashioned job security model. You may not know when your next gig will come along, so it will behoove you to have a business of your own to carry you through the gaps in work or dry spells. Ready for Some Hot Ideas? Starting a side business today doesnt mean you have to invest a lot of money. There are fewer barriers to entry than ever before. In Social Networking for Business Success, Miriam and I have included chapters to help you identify MOXIE opportunities. This is the research we used to help you brainstorm ideas. IBISWorld Inc.  is a recognized  trusted independent source of industry and market research. They  offer a comprehensive  database of unique  information and analysis on  every US industry. Extreme Times Call for Extreme Measures Like it or not, we are living in a new world of uncertainty and rapid change. You can choose to jump on the MOXIE bandwagon or not, but what do you have to lose? If you are read to start making extra income, you may want to pick up our book and see how you can do it. WARNING: It is going to take an investment of your time, i.e. sweat equity! But, who knows where it may lead! Up for the challenge? And we arent the only ones writing about this. Jason Albas 51 Alternatives To A Real Job  is a book of HOPE for people struggling in todays quirky economy. Jason says: One day I had an  epiphany  that would lead me to create JibberJobber.  I remember the exact moment when I had the epiphany.  It is the same moment when I found HOPE.  I found a purpose, and a reason, and that “changed everything.” His book includes stories that provide hope- real life examples of people who have embarked on entrepreneurial adventures!

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