Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Find Out Who You Will Be Interviewing With

How to Find Out Who You Will Be Interviewing WithHow to Find Out Who You Will Be Interviewing WithIt maysound like a no-brainer, but before you go on a job interview, you need to know who youll be meeting with. It could be one person, or it could be quite a few people. Given the limited resources for hiring new staff and the costs associated with bringing in new employees, employers are extra careful when it comes to hiring. This has translated into adding more layers to the screening process, including the inclusion of more staff in the interview process. How toAsk Who Youll Be Meeting With Applicants should make an effort to learn who will be included in the interview process so they can anticipate the concerns of those interviewing them and prepare accordingly. The first thing to do is to ask menschengerecht Resources (HR) for the names, titles,and roles of any interviewers when making arrangements for your interview. Employers will often have an HR recruiter conduct an initia l interview to determine if a candidate is genuinely interested in the position and a good fit for the company. This makes sense because if youre not a good fit, they dont want to waste the time of their employees. These screening interviews are often conducted by phone or Skype. Calling or emailing to confirm the interview gives you another opportunity to ask if you werent informed when the interview was scheduled. You can also ask for an overview of the hiring process, so you get a sense of how many interviews the employer likes to conduct before making an offer and the rule of thumb with regards to what staff members generally attend interviews. For senior management positions, the employer may engage a recruiting firm to conduct an initial screening and recommend candidates. Follow Up Interviews Typically, the prospective supervisor and department manager will be in attendance for a follow-up interview. At these meetings, employers will often include employees who hold the s ame job, or a similar job, to the one for which you are interviewing. Though it might seem like their primary purpose is to educate you about the details of the position, the staffers in attendance will be asked to evaluate you as well. It comes down to whether or not you fit the corporate culture and get along with the team. People From Other Departments Representatives from departments that interface with, or are served by, your prospective department might also be a part of the interviewing team. Occasionally, an outside entity, such as an affiliated firm, might be represented. For example, an Alumni Affairs department at a college might ask an alumni leader to interview candidates for a position in that area. Its worth noting that some organizations will have a final layer in the process whereby the leading candidate(s) meet with the President, CEO, or another top executive for a final look before finalizing the hire. Send a Thank You Note Whoever you meet with, its impo rtant to send a thank you letter to everyone who interviews you. It can be time-consuming when the interview process is multi-layered, but acknowledging someones time and effort to meet with you is one of the best ways to make a good impression.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A.F. Pararescure Physical Ability and Stamina Test PAST

A.F. Pararescure Physical Ability and Stamina Test PASTA.F. Pararescure Physical Ability and Stamina Test PASTIn the Air Force, Special Operations Combat Medics and Rescue Specialists are trained and equipped to conduct conventional and unconventional rescue operations. Known as PJs, these airmen rescue downed pilots, conduct combat search and rescue operations, and assist Navy SEAL platoons and Army Special Forces units as combat medics. PJs may conduct their duties in humanitarian and combat environments using air, land, or sea tactics. The training for these airmen is among the most rigorous and intense of any in the U.S. Armed Forces. Requirements for Air Force PJs As part of the Air Force Special Operations Command, candidates have to be of above-average physical abilities. Being a good swimmer andcompetent in the water is critical to making it through training, since saving personnel in the water is a requirement of the job. Running, lifting, and high repetition calisthen ics also are required to get through the physical challenges of the training program. And PJs also take challenging courses in medical training. The Physical Ability and Stamina Test (PAST) is for recruits seeking Pararescue status. Air Force Battlefield Airman PAST Requirements In the Air Force, the special ground combat units are known as Battlefield Airmen. After Basic Military Training, all members of the group will attend a Battlefield Airmen Prep Course for eight weeks. The following chart demonstrates the PAST requirements for each of the Air Force Special Operators. This test must be conducted in a three-hour time frame and in the order listed below. There is one pass/fail event and five point-scored events. The candidate must receive a combined total of 270 points, and pass the pass/fail event in order to receive a passing grade on the PAST. The below chart includes the requirements for each of the Air Forces Special Operations segments Pararescue (PJ), Combat Controlle rs (CCT), Tactical Air Control Party (TACP), Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape (SERE) Instructor, Special Operations Weather Tech (SOWT), and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD). PJCCTTACPSERESOWTEODUnderwater swimP/FP/FP/FP/FP/FP/F500m swim10071142notlage tested1400200m/ 1000not tested1.5 mile run101010101047101011001100Pullups1086883Situps544848484850Pushups524840484835 Training to just meet the minimum standards for the PAST is not recommended as the training itself is highly competitive to join.Plus, once in the selection and training program, students will be pushed both physically and mentally. Being in good physical shape and having a foundation of fitness will serve students well in the challenging 18-month training pipeline. Getting in Shape for the PJ Program To get accepted into the Air Force PJ program, you have to first focus your training routines on the events listed above Swim, Run, Pullups, Pushups, and Situps.Consider this your entrance exam. Youll need to be a fast runner and strong swimmer, and be able to do higher repetitions of calisthenics than the average military person. Otherwise, your chances of getting accepted into the program may be limited. Most people who succeed in these challenging fitness tests and follow on selection programs will run and swim five or six days per week to improve their time.Also, the upper body calisthenics requires training at least three days a week (every other day) at a high volume. Getting through the training will build upon the above fitness foundation focusing on mora strengthLong-distance endurance with longer swims with fins, longer runs, and long rucksPool skills such as treading water, drown-proofing, buddy breathingSCUBA diving competency tests

Friday, December 20, 2019

Resume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit All

Resume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit AllResume Formats - One Size Does Not Fit AllResumes are commonly thought to be something that must follow a certain cookie-cutter formula. In reality, your resume format is your ticket to an interview and must fit your individual situation like a glove.Technical/IT ExperienceA standard resume format typically includes a section at the bottom for skills. If you work in a technical/IT field, you need this section right at the top A good place for this would be between your professional summary and your work experience. Break it down into sections such asOperating Systems Windows, LinuxSoftware CAD, AutoCAD, DynascapeLanguages C+, C++Security Norton, McAfeeAlso, creating a mini-version of this at the end of every employment section on your resume. This would show which of the things you listed at the top of your resume were used at each company, so the reader can get a feel for what kind of experience you have and how long you have used a program. Skilled trade experienceA standard resume format typically does not include a section for equipment or tools that you have experience with. You owe it to yourself to create one right at the top in a similar format as the example shown aboveWhere appropriate, you can do the mini-version after each position on your resume as well - also shown above.Perceived instabilityMany books on resume formats and job searches will tell you to put your resume in the functional format instead of the chronological format when you have had a lot of gaps in employment for example. This is usually not the best strategy because companies may require your resume to be in chronological order as it is the easiest for them to decipher. In some cases, a functional resume format may be skipped altogether if it is too difficult to read. Ways to work around this includeUse years only for the date sortiments spent at each employer do not add months.If you have done a lot of contract work with the same contrac t agency, you can group your assignments under this common employer and only provide a date range for the employer and not each assignment. You may also include the reason you left each position, if favorable, such asCompany-wide restructuringLayoffMergerRelocation for partners careerJob titles do not match experienceIf your job title is administrative assistant but your experience goes well beyond what you would consider typical for that title, there are a couple of things you can do to slow the reader down and not have them glance over this position. While you cannot get very creative for your title because you need it to reasonably match what is landseen from a background check during the hiring processes, you can put some specifics after the titleAdministrative Assistant (Sales Marketing)Administrative Assistant Sales/MarketingYou can also bunch activities/responsibilities/duties together and give them headers, perhaps in bold to make them stand out, instead of just listing th em and put the most relevant ones at the top. Administrative AssistantSalesMarketingAdministrationCalendar managementMeeting coordinationExpense reportsAgeOf course, hiring activities should not discriminate against mora mature candidates, but it can happen, even subconsciously and there is no need to feed the flame.Wont they see how old I am in an interview, you ask? Yes, but remember the purpose of the resume is to get you an interview. Once you are in front of them at an interview, you have a chance to sell yourself a lot better than simply on paper, with both your maturity and your fresh ideas.To avoid giving away clues to your age, remember to go against what you read in resume writing books andDo not list the year you graduated in the education section of your resume.Only list the past ten years of your work history under Work Experience unless the position is extremely relevant.No work experienceJust about everybody at one point or another has been frustrated with the conund rum of not getting selected for an entry level position because you lack experience and how can you get experience if no one will hire you because you do not have experience?Here are a couple techniquesto give yourself the upper handList relevant coursework at the top in asimilar fashion as described above for IT and skilled trade professionals.Dont be afraid to list on-campus positions you have held such as RA, Cafeteria Cashier, etc. recruiters want to see that you are reliable and dependable even if your work experience is not particularly relevant.Create a Volunteer Experience section on your resume and includeRelevant experienceAny experience where you can showcase significant accomplishments Having a custom resume format, not just to you, but to the position you are applying for is one of the most important parts of your job search. Interview trainingshould take a close second.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Is It Time To Switch Careers

Is It Time To Switch CareersIs It Time To Switch CareersIve worked as an administrative assistant for many years. I recently lost my job due to downsizing and am looking for a new position. But Im not really sure that I even want to work as an admin anymore. Should I try something new or stick with what I know? HelenDear Helen,The decision to stay in a career youre comfortable with can be very tempting. If youre having second thoughts, I would stop and ask yourself why. Determine whether your career misery index is calling for a change. Is it because youre frustrated with your job search? Or is it truly time for a career change?Just because we start off in one profession in the beginning of our career doesnt mean that we have to continue with it until we retire. If youre feeling that you might want to explore new options, now might be a good time. So think about what youd really like to do. Maybe youve always wanted to work with children, or pursue a career as a pastry chef. Its nev er too late to start I would suggest doing some research into the fields that interest you and how to find a job youre reisepassionate about. Maybe you can telecommute while taking a couple of classes to further your education in that industry. Youll know right away if it is something you want to pursue professionally. It will just feel right.Its a good idea for everyone to pause every once in a while and evaluate where they are professionally. It will help you appreciate where youve been, where you are now, and what you really want to do in the next phase of your life. Develop sound strategies for a successful career change and youll soon be on a happy road againHeres to successful job searchingCheersSaraWhat questions do you have about flexible work options? Leave a comment here or email jennifer at dot com. She will choose one question to pass on to Sara each week

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Give Positive Feedback

How to Give Positive FeedbackHow to Give Positive FeedbackPerformance feedback is one of a managers power tools used to support behavioral change or reinforce positive behavior in the workplace. While constructive and negative feedback gets most of the attention in training programs and leadership materials, positive feedback at work is every bit as important.leid every manager in an organization knows instinctively how to give positive feedback, but a few simple tricks, such as providing useful detail when offering the feedback, can make all the difference. Great Job Isnt Enough Imagine that you have just wrapped up a presentation to the executives in your organization, and your manager approaches you in the hallway, shakes your hand, and says, Great job You probably appreciate the accolade, but does it prepare you to repeat your performance in the future? No, not if your manager doesnt tell you specifically what you did well. Feedback, whether positive or negative, must be spec ific to have an effect on future performance. A comment like, You sure messed up that presentation, does not offer helpful guidance either, because it tells you nothing about your errors or what you need to change. Add Some Detail Consider the positive feedback on a presentation as described above, but add in a few useful details Great job on that presentation today. Your competitive analysis was spot on, and your recommendations were backed with facts. Im sure the executive team loved your enthusiasm for the initiative, too. In the first example, youre left to wonder what, if anything, really impressed the executives. In the second, you know that your competitive analysis, the facts that backed up your recommendations, and your obvious passion for the topic all played a parte in the presentations success. While you might want to drill down even mora to the specifics of what worked best, you are already much better prepared to repeat in future presentations all of the factors t hat brought you the initial positive feedback. Keeping Feedback Positive Giving positive feedback can be a little trickier than it sounds. Keep the following tips in mind Always deliver feedback as close in time to the veranstaltung as possible.Be specific in your comments. The more detailed you are, the better able the recipient will be to implement the feedback into future behaviors.Link the positive behavior to real business results if you can.Unlike negative feedback, positive feedback can be delivered in front of others, if you think theyll benefit as well.As a rule of thumb, positive feedback should outweigh constructive or negative feedback by a ratio of at least three positive comments to one negative comment. Benefits of Positive Feedback Once you start learning how to give positive feedback to your staff, youll reap the rewards in more ways than you might imagine. Many people, not just in the workplace but also in life, want to feel appreciated. When you offer spe cific, positive feedback, your employees will feel valued and connected to the team, and will know that you have noticed their efforts. When employees receive positive feedback and appreciation, they start to find more meaning in their jobs, which can increase their engagement at work and result in increased productivity. When you give positive feedback, youre giving employees clarity about what you want and expect, which makes their jobs easier. Additionally, when employees feel appreciated and find meaning in their work, they tend to stay at their jobs, which reduces turnover and saves money for the organization. Pitfalls to Avoid The first and foremost pitfall to avoid is never giving positive feedback at all. If you dont commonly give positive feedback, start doing it now Start slowly and phase feedback in over a few weeks. Otherwise your employees will wonder whats gotten into you.Avoid giving positive feedback for trivial actions. Great job making the coffee today is the k ind of comment that infuriates people and holds no positive guidance.Take care to avoid using a condescending tone or manner when delivering positive feedback, and use tact when offering positive feedback to people who have seniority over you in the office. Dont save up all of your praise for an employees annual performance review. Constructive and positive feedback are best served warm. When you deliver feedback as close to the event as possible, you ensure that its cemented in the recipients mind. The Bottom Line Constructive feedback helps to change or eliminate behaviors that detract from performance, while positive feedback helps reinforce those that strengthen performance. Both are essential for success. Use them carefully and regularly to bring the best performance out of your staff.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Volunteer Section on Resume Tips & Guide

Volunteer Section on Resume Tips & Guide What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Volunteer Section on Resume Before you start drafting your cover letter, make sure you find out more about the organization. Use the following advice and examples to learn to list volunteer work on your resume. Obviously, in the ort of healthcare, some groups will require certification in a couple of skills. The absolute most efficient format for cover letters can fluctuate, depending upon the opportunities theyre targeting. Employers love to realize that youre motivated by the occasion to learn not simply by a paycheck. If you bury them within your everyday duties or general academic info, they might not be seen. Hiring agencies will try to find particular terms in your resume to make certain you have the experience theyre seeking. The New Fuss About Volunteer Section on Resume So list such experience only supposing its highly about the job which youre seeking. Even in case youve never held a n official job, its still true that you have life experience thats applicable to the work search. The jobs cover a vast range of services. Federal jobs often need you to have experience in a particular kind of work for some period of time. If you dont supply the info needed for the hiring agency to learn your qualifications, you may not be considered for the job. Hiring managers prefer the reverse chronological since it is simpler to read. In some instances, the hiring manager may be reluctant to call you in for an interview in any way if you include church references in your resume, as stated by the Business Insider site. Learn more regarding the federal hiring practice. Its a great concept to review high school resume examples, to provide you with a concept of what is appropriate. The very first thing you ought to know is that theres nobody right method to craft your volunteer resume. Show off any appropriate experience on your resume so that you are able to portray yoursel f as the type of candidate whod fit well in their culture of giving back to the community. Work with RealStreet to locate the ideal fit for your requirements. Volunteering can be particularly useful if youre a recent graduate or seeking to modify career paths. Volunteer work may have a larger impact for you than a seasoned candidate, and that means you wish to draw the reader in from the beginning. It covers a wide range of activities and can vastly improve your chances of getting an interview for your ideal job if you know how to put volunteer work on your resume in a way that shows your strengths, dedication and enthusiasm. It is all about helping people. You are able to also speak about your availability and abilities gained while volunteering with different organizations that make you an exceptional candidate. Inside this section, you can incorporate any volunteer experience, or you are able to consist of volunteer experience in another section. There can be a number of ot hers appearing to join the very same cause, which means that your application should be made to impress. There are some different places where you could consist of volunteer experience on your resume the placement will truly depend on just what the remainder of your professional experience appears like and your present job objectives. You also shouldnt list whatever would permit the employer know things about you which you dont need to share. For instance, if in your organization research you see that the employer values hiring and supporting employees with a rich life outside work, it may be beneficial for them to learn about your contributions to a certain non-profit organization that youre passionate about. You must organize your resume to assist agencies evaluate your experience. But when you have extensive work experience to list thats pertinent to prospective employers, it can be better to leave volunteer work off of your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Meet Microsofts Women Tech Leaders

Meet Microsofts Women Tech Leaders Microsoft has partnered with PowerToFly to present a one-night-only evening for women in tech. The night will include discussions with several of Microsofts leaders, many of whom are Modern Apps Consultants, Secure Infrastructure Consultants, and Premiere Field Engineers. There will also be time to network with Microsoft leaders and top women in your field.The event will take place on Thursday, December 13th from 530pm to 730pm at Microsoft Reactor, 680 Folsom Street, Suite 145, San Francisco. Agenda (Subject to Change)530pm - abfertigung and Networking over Food Drinks610pm - Introduction by PowerToFly615pm - Keynote Address by Shelley DeBardelaben - Director, Global Capacity Management at Microsoft625pm - Panel Discussion featuring from MicrosoftLuci Gomes - Global Director of Talent Acquisition Americas, Services, Commercial, Marketing Consumer TeamsShelly DeBardelaben - Director, Global Capacity ManagementBeth MacAlarney - Technical Delivery M anagerErin Jacobsen - Director of Technical Delivery635pm - Audience QA645pm - Networking ContinuesMicrosoft is invested in women-focused organizations and providing support to women once they are employees at Microsoft. Their employee network WomenMicrosoft reaches over twenty thousand people worldwide. Microsofts ongoing diversity partnerships include the Anita Borg Institute, National Center for Women Information Technology (NCWIT), and MentorNet. Visit Microsofts page on PowerToFly to learn mora about their open roles, benefits and diversity initiatives. About our Events All RSVPd attendees are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age. If you require assistance to fully participate in this event, please email, and we will contact you to discuss your specific needs.Unfortunately, PowerToFly and Microsoft cannot admit outside recruiters to this particular event. Please email h if you have any questions about this policy. One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construc tion industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to excee d $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive optio n for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of bein g able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.